Congratulations on making it through the summer full of kids in the house! Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids, but during the summer months, I miss my routine, I miss my solace, and I miss my tidy home, because…kids. Now that they are off to school, it’s time to reclaim our homes and workspaces and bring some order and sanity to the house. Some of these tasks are things only Mom can do, but when the kids return to school, it’s time to think of a deep cleaning service from your pros at Maid to Glow. Don’t worry about time – for it only takes a minute to book a cleaning. Now, back to you!
Refer a friend to Maid to Glow and you both get your service for half-price! Have them book their service, and when they get to the checkout, enter the code BACK50 and put your name in the comments, so the discount goes toward your next cleaning, as well. Call your friend right now – we’ll wait!
Get in the mood
Put on some tunes to get yourself moving. You did it to motivate your kids. It works splendidly for you, too! Turn it up and get going!
Sort and tidy
First, go through the shared living spaces like a whirlwind, picking up all of the little toys, trinkets, gadgets, and crayons from the living and dining rooms and put them in their rightful homes. I recommend a laundry basket at your side as you travel to each room the kids have congregated in through the summer. This exercise also gives you the chance to discard broken items that have been forgotten about underneath the sofa.
Set for success
Once everything is back to normal, assess the school gear parking spot for when your kids return. Where will their backpacks, books, and gear be placed? Designate a space for that storage to keep it from spreading across the living room, increasing the risk of lost and eaten homework. A coat hook rack is perfect. You could even add a box for shoes (and hats, scarves, and mittens in the coming months).
Start the purge
It is highly likely that many of the clothes that fit the kids at the beginning of summer may be a little tight or a little short today. While everyone is away, now is the time to sift through the wardrobes and discard everything too small, stained, ripped, and just “done” for the season. It’s easiest to do this alone with no disputes of the favorite pants that now come above the ankles.
While you are doing the purge, make notes of what clothing may need replacing right away and what items can be purchased for Christmas gifts (because moms think this far ahead when we’re alone in our thoughts!)
Sticky things
Now is also the time to seek out and destroy all of the sticky spots around the house that you looked away from since June because you knew in your heart of hearts that they would return even faster than you could remove them. Today, this is YOUR house again. It’s much easier to be the sticky-monitor if the kids are congregating in limited amounts. A rag (or heavy-duty paper towel) soaked with warm water and Dawn dishwashing liquid gets up most sticky and greasy things.
If you notice any new stains, check out our July blogs, OUT dang spot and O-My-Mayo. That should cover most surfaces!
Mop and vacuum
You’ve come this far, and half of the sticky things were around your kitchen, anyway, so you’re halfway there. Finish off with a mop and vacuum the rugs, because it always looks better if that’s the only thing you do.
Now keep it all just like this!
Look around at how beautiful, tidy, and CLEAN it all looks. Have you signed up for regularly scheduled visits from Maid to Glow yet? Do so and enjoy some significant discounts along with the peace of mind. Relax…we got this!